About Us

Providing Speech Therapy to Children and Adults
with Down Syndrome in Galway City and County

The Need

1 in every 335 children born in Galway has Down Syndrome. Everyone with this condition suffers delayed development of speech and difficulty in articulation. Speech and Language Therapy, especially in childhood years, is critical to the development of adequate language skills.

In order to benefit fully from Speech and Language Therapy most children require some level of Occupational Therapy to develop their physical motor skills.

Before the commencement of the Voices for Galway project in 2005, there was a three year waiting list for initial assessment for children of school going age; the provision for adults was non-existent.

The Response

In response to this crisis the Galway Branch of the Down Syndrome Association formed the Voices for Galway project in 2005 with the goal of directly employing a Speech and Language Therapist to provide for our members.

The project is a collaboration between the Galway Branch of the Down Syndrome Ireland and the newly established Department of Speech Therapy in NUIG.

This model allows people with Down syndrome to access Speech and Language Therapy in a state of the art facility in NUIG. In return speech and language students gain clinical experience on site.

This entire project is funded through charitable donations and fund-raising by the Voices for Galway project. It receives NO state or institutional funding whatsoever.

Current Situation

We have two senior specialist Speech and Language therapists and an Occupational therapist working on the project. We have recently employed an administrative assistant.

Since its commencement 85 members have been assessed and currently over 50 are receiving Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy.

All members receiving therapy have benefited, with all showing dramatic improvement in the course of their first year.

The Future

In order to meet the current demand for Speech and Language Therapy amongst our members we need to maintain our existing staff.

The Goal

The goal is to create and maintain Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy for our members and to expand the provision to all our members from age 3 upwards, addressing their needs now and into the future, providing them with the support necessary to live full and independent lives.